What should I wear?
For all pole classes – Shorts that expose two or three inches above the knee. Your skin making contact with the pole is what helps give you the grip to perform many of the spins and tricks.
How do I prepare for my pole dance class?
Don’t apply any lotion the day of your class, as it will make the pole slippery.
You will be asked to remove all jewelry from your fingers, wrists, neck, ears, ankles, bellybutton, etc. Not only can it damage the pole’s surface, but can cause you bodily injury by scratching or piercing the skin, or even catching onto clothing.
Must I wear heels?
High heels are always optional. In fact many new pole dancers prefer to learn barefoot.
For Chairography, heels are great for this class if you have them, but not compulsory.
I have no upper body strength and no dance experience, can I do these classes?
Yes! Upper body strength is not a pre-requisite to start because pole dance fitness will strengthen your entire body as you learn. After a few classes, you’ll see yourself moving with confidence and grace.
Does it involve stripping?
No. There is no compulsion to take off your clothes during any of our sessions. We have a strict NO NUDITY policy. We show you how to do dance moves, then you go home and dance to your heart’s content.
What are the benefits of Pole Dance?
Pole dancing is one of the most unique ways to workout. It is a combination of dance and gymnastics. Pole dance works on the body by Burning calories, toning and shaping your muscles the muscles as well as improving both your upper and lower body strength. It won’t be until the next day that you feel your muscles recovering from class. It is becoming an increasingly popular form of fitness practiced by many.
Will it help me lose weight?
To lose weight (which is the popular term that actually refers to loss of body fat), it’s important to burn calories and build muscle and Pole Dance classes are great for this. Chairography has cardio elements as well. As with any weight loss program make sure you are following a nutrition program that provides your body with fiber and an adequate amounts of protein, carbohydrates and essential fatty acids.
We have a qualified nutritionist available for consultation
Can I just come and watch?
NO SPECTATORS ALLOWED that includes friends, significant others, and children. We encourage participation. However, if you are invited to our showcases, you get to cheer on students and instructors who display what they’ve learned.